For the most accurate results, dont overthink your responses. Satele Shan. The method of making a red saber is known as "bleeding" as one needs to add negative affections like pessimism, cruelty, hate . Go to your Sporcle Settings to finish the process. This was because Jackson wanted to stick out during the big battle in Attack of the Clones. It reflects the protective nature of the order soldiers. Your lightsaber hilt. A lightsaber that everyone will notice and is a lot bigger, A lightsaber that can also be a whip of energy, Choose a Jedi or Sith (your favorite one). The color reflects the hatred, anger, pain, and malicious ideas of the user. There are a handful of known different lightsaber colors, such as: But the color of your lightsaber is also determined by the side youre on. Find out which Star Wars character you are! 2007. So much features to choose from. Are you ready to determine your best lightsaber color? An elegant weapon for a more civilized age, a lightsaber can be used to cut through blast doors or deflect blaster bolts. After all its me or them. Vote now in the poll below or cast your write-in vote on social using#ChooseYourLightsaber! Red lightsaber owners are the ones with all the evil intentions possible. Of course, there are many other kinds of light-weapons. Lightsabers used for Form II often had a curved hilt which was practical for the one-handed lightsaber maneuvers of the Makashi practitioners. Rating helps us to know which quizzes are good and which are bad. Are you displaying more masculine or feminine energy? The lightsaber color quiz on this page reveals the hue of your laser sword after analyzing your personality. Initially, George Lucas argued that lightsabers only came in red, green or blue. Your email address will not be published. Order 66 was initiated and all clones start to fire at you how do you plan to stop them? im to lazy i dont feel like doing this so bannaa apple orange fruit school sucks im the best i dont care what hilt you have im so bored and lazy and awesme there 170 words, fhjda hfjka hjfa hjfka hjifa jkfa hgrea ueiwr HGJIRE hg i hfril hfiea hfiea hfuiea hfiea hfuea hgufoea ghioare hgfeag hgea gioea hguoa hfuoa ghfieoal hgui. It has been used by the likes of Darth maul and mother talzin. We know this because Ahsokais seen sporting two pure white lightsabers in various Star Wars projects. Ever After High 2023 Test, Quiz: What Pie Should I Make? Have a look around and see what we're about. At the end of The Rise Of Skywalker, we also see Rey get a new lighsaber that is yellow. Many different colors have been introduced in the Star Wars Universe. Luke Skywalker. 2007. est. Laser Sword Hilt Analysis. Legend has it that a crystal will hum if it is appropriate for the user. Your feedback is helpful! Obi-Wan Kenobi. Kit Fisto Created by marquis (User Generated Content*) User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, I will try to hide and then take them out one by one. I will jump in the center of battle with hope that when I hit the ground the force wave will kill more Sith than Jedi. It can identify the function of the laseras we see with the two-sided halts. ?" Please, you could be those, for all you or I know, but . We have other quizzes matching your interest. The best known users of this color are Yoda, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Luke Skywalker. blue. This %100 Accurate Quiz Find It, What is my spirit animal? Cheat at the game, then run away. Only real fans can score more than 70%, Quiz: Which Dragon Ball Character Are You? She previously used a blue one for her training. You're playing holochess with Chewbacca. Created by Vandar Tokare (User Generated Content*) User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Remember to rate this quiz on the next page! Mace Windu is the only Jedi to have ever wielded a purple lightsaber and is considered one of the wisest members of the Order. It would make sense for them to focus on the more physical aspects of Force powers, and the peaceful blue lightsaber is a perfect match for them. Lightsabers in the Star Wars universe are found in different colors including blue, green, red, purple, yellow, orange, white and even black (or Darksaber). You walk into a room and someone starts shooting at you. Taurus is an earth sign, and is therefore more grounded in reality than most signs. During Obi-Wans years of fighting as a Jedi, he wielded several different lightsabers. We believe that the color of your lightsaber reveals that. 100% Fun & Accurate, Quiz: Are a Royal or a Rebel? I think that there is still good in him and maybe he can return to the light side of the force. Such warriors would try to negotiate their way into their goals instead of killing their enemies. This 100% accurate lightsaber color quiz helps you find out what lightsaber color you are. Play this quiz and get your answer. Be . Lightsaber hilts were the basic, all-encompassing part of a lightsaber. White is another color that Jedi are able to use. It is the most accurate test you could find online. All Star Wars, all the time. Which one will call to you? User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Thus those with a purple lightsaber could be said to have similar qualities. These parts function combined to emit a plasma blade, commonly known as a lightsaber blade. 8/10. Notable examples include: Whether you pick the weapon of a Jedi or the double blade of a Sith, we won't judge. The lightsaber, also referred to as a laser sword by those who were unfamiliar with it, was a weapon usually used by the Jedi, the Sith, and other Force-sensitives. This crystal color was the color of the Imperial Knight saber force practitioners who vehemently rejected the dark side whilst passively avoiding the light side who subscribe to the "Gray" side of the force (e.g., Grey Jedis). You May Get Lightsabers in Star Wars are as varied as alien species, complex instruments that harness the power of the unique kyber crystal encased in each refined hilt. The best known users of this color are Darth Vader, Count Dooku, Darth Maul, Darth Sidious, and Kylo Ren. Power. 100% Fun Quiz: Which Tragic Greek Figure Are You? The Kyber Crystal chooses the wielder. Rating helps us to know which quizzes are good and which are bad. Comments. User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, I will leap in the air and spin with my weapon to cut them with one strike. The different colors of lightsabers have unique meanings and are vary based on the people using them and their motives. I will ask him to join the empire after all my skills are more fit for destruction. Our mission is to deliver fresh and enjoyable content. These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors. Take this Pokmon Partner Quiz to see which Pokmon is your companion based on your person, The Golden Retriever or Black Cat is a personality quiz to reveal the energy and the vibe , This quiz will suggest you an accurate color palette analysis based on your lifestyle and , This fun quiz will help you find out if you are a Royal or a Rebel or a Neutral in Ever Af, Which the Last of Us character in HBOs TV adaptation are you? I will take cover and then think of a strategy to fight them. Orgus Din Petit Crouton 3.0 by Force Relics Which of these lightsaber colors would disappoint you? QuizExpo contains different quizzes in different fields and tries to entertain the users while helping them to learn something new. Everyone ecognizes Darth Vaders voice, mask, and red lightsaber. While it is not exactly a lightsaber hilt quiz, the results include assumptions about your laser sword's handle. The point is to push you to choose an option that makes the most sense, not the one thats 100% true. I will be like a wall for the enemy, no one will pass through me! Thepurple lighthouse is a symbol of order and strength in the galaxy due to the lightsaber strikes back, and is currently the most popular question answer table for the course. a lightsaber hilt compliments a force users power, style and alignment. Please also let us know what you think is the best color and who you think has the coolest lightsaber in the entire series. a lightsaber hilt compliments a force users power, style and alignment. 1 / 10 Jedi Sith Wookiee What do you preder to use in a fight? It focuses on his struggle against the evil supreme commander Darth Vader. This is your only chance to see if your laser swords hilt will match you or not. TM & Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved, ALL OF YOUR STAR WARS FAVORITES NOW STREAMING ON DISNEY+, {:title=>"Quizzes + Polls", :url=>""}, {:title=>"Characters + Histories", :url=>""}, {:title=>"Andor", :url=>""}, {:title=>"Collecting", :url=>""}, {:title=>"Merchandise", :url=>""}, {:title=>"Games + Apps", :url=>""}, {:title=>"Obi-Wan Kenobi", :url=>""}. When colors became meaningful, fans wanted to know what lightsaber color they would get. Rey. There are many different lightsaber colors, each symbolizing different things. find out if youre a Sith or a Jedi! Instructions: Answer the questions and we match you with the color that you would have for your lightsaber. Which lightsaber form would you practice? Luke Skywalker A standard lightsaber is portrayed as emitting a 3-foot-long luminous plasma blade from a 10.5-inch-long metal hilt. Windu is played by Samuel Jackson, and the way he describes it, he got a purple lightsaber because he asked for a purple lightsaber. The best known users of this color are Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, prior to his fall to the dark side. What will you do? He shows you the cave in which you will find answers about you. Lightsaber Display Stand Star Wars Rebel Alliance symbol - Fits all lightsaber hilt sizes LLLDesignsStore (495) $10.02 Item #7 Lightsaber Hilt Display Box, Clear Acrylic Design JPMODELWORKS (309) $79.99 FREE shipping More colors Saberforge Shoto Lightsaber Hilt CHASSIS Proffieboard CFX Verso Golden Harvest CWSxDesigns (1,047) $13.00 Required fields are marked *. 3 / 10 Disagree Agree So, if you stop a red swords bleed, you will end up having a white or silver crystal. Different question: Have you ever asked yourself which Star Wars character you are? What color lightsaber would you weild if you were a jedi? What's your gameplan? I will ask him to become my master. In the middle of the battle you cross paths with Sith lord almost as strong as Darth Vader. This blade is said to represent purity, positivity, and neutrality. This is the ancient blade that was created by Tarre Vizsla, who was the first Mandalorian to become a Jedi. A lightwhip is the lightsaber version of a whip - a long, flexible tendril of lightsaber, up to ten feet (3m) long. Quiz: Which Star Wars: The Force Awakens Character Are You? Try the top political quiz on GoToQuiz to find where you fall on on multiple axes, then compare your results to others'. All you have to do is complete this quiz and discover which lightsaber color you are! Use my incredible mind power. Plo Koon By XenoThunder. What type of Lightsaber would you have? by mbt3shades. Follow. Anakin skywalker, It may not be the best or most efficient, but any handicap it gives you is worth it when you see the look of fear in your enemy's eyes. It contains a green kyber crystal and emits a bright green light, unlike Kenobis blue lightsaber. Release Date: 2019 Luke Skywalker Legacy Lightsaber Hilt So, what did you get on our lightsaber color quiz? A better kind of quiz site: no pop-ups, no registration requirements, just high-quality quizzes Blue - these sabers are the most prolific of all lightsaber colors. Have you ever been like, What lightsaber form am I? Thanks to the internet, you can now find the answer to such questions. It is an identity weapon of the Jedi Order and their Sith minions. Why not find out your Lightsaber here. I will try to go behind them and stab them. I've considered buying or making one for a while now and taking a quiz like that would be pretty cool. 2 / 10 Strength Sword Fists You prefer attacking from behind. May the Force be with you.. Which of these words are you most drawn to? 3/10. You May Get Standard Pretty standard blade, but that doesn't mean it isn't good at what it does mean it isn't good at what it at hacking through droids! Yellow is the color used by the Jedi Sentinels. Ju. Luke Skywalkers lightsaber was constructed by Skywalker himself. According to the legends, purple reflects the idea of balancing the dark side and the forces light side. Find out who's in charge. From mobile games, apps and quizzes, to party and drinking games. what would you do if your master was bad/good. Quiz, The Light Side Vs. They are known for their wisdom and their desire for peace. you need to verify the email address you used during registration. I will rush in and try to be faster than the troopers. Users are generally wise, mature, and skilled. The lightsaber is an imaginative sword that originated in the Star Wars Universe. Approved and edited by BuzzFeed Community Team. Live today fight tomorrow. Obsessed with travel? That is why the questionarys results offer additional information about you. Count Dooku. His next lightsaber was yet again a blue one with a similar construction. That's fare fight. Have you ever wondered, "I wonder what kind of lightsaber I would have if I were in Star Wars. that you can create and share on your social network. And it also represents the soldiers ultimate goal, which is maintaining galactic peace. A laser sword turns red when the owner forces its crystal to bleedor feel pain. I jump from target to target like a skillful assassin and slowly but surely thin their numbers.